Only 60% of people say they ar...

COVID-19 News

Only 60% of people say they are adhering 'highly' to lockdown restrictions

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

01:02 24 Jun 2020

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Nearly half of respondents are 'Very or Extremely' concerned about other people's compliance with government advice.

There's been a sharp drop in the number of people who say their compliance with lockdown restrictions is high.

A CSO survey shows 60% of the 1600 respondents rated their adherence to the rules as high, down from 80% in April.

It's the second survey conducted by the CSO on the social impact of the pandemic on Irish society.

Nearly half of those who responded , report being Very or Extremely concerned about other people's compliance with government advice on easing lockdown restrictions.

When it comes to work almost one in five respondents are very or extremely concerned about their employer’s ability to provide a safe work environment in the context of COVID-19.

While one fifth of employees currently working from home said they don't have a suitable workspace with adequate equipment.

The survey also found almost half of female respondents and those no longer working since lockdown report an Increase in weight.

Just over one fifth of those interviewed were very or extremely concerned about their own health in June, down from a quarter in April.

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