Terms of Use

Welcome to iRadio.ie. By using this site you agree to be legally bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all the following terms you should not access and/or use iRadio.ie

iRadio reserves the right to change these terms from time to time. By continuing to use the site after changes are posted you agree to be legally bound by these terms as updated and/or amended.
Lawful Use

You may not broadcast, copy, download, frame, reproduce, republish, post, transmit or otherwise use iRadio content appearing on the iRadio.ie site in any way except for your own personal, non-commercial use. Any other use of such content requires the prior written permission of iRadio.

You agree to use iRadio.ie only for lawful purposes, and in a way that does not infringe the rights of, restrict or inhibit the use or enjoyment of this site by any third party. Prohibited behaviour includes but is not limited to defamation, harassing or causing distress or inconvenience to any person, transmitting obscene or offensive content or anything which may affect the operability or security of www.iRadio.ie.

Disclaimers/Limitation of Liability

iRadio content, is provided on a "AS IS" and on an "AS AVAILABLE" basis without any representations or any kind of warranty whether express, implied or statutory of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy.

iRadio will not be liable for any damages, including indirect or consequential damages, or any damages arising from use or loss of use, interruption of business, loss of data or profits, whether in contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising from or in connection with the use of www.iRadio.ie

iRadio does not warrant that functions contained in iRadio.ie content will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that iRadio.ie or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs.

RSS feeds

RSS feeds of iRadio.ie content are provided free of charge to individuals for personal and non-commercial use only. Use of iRadio.ie RSS feeds for commercial purposes or by non-profit organisations will require the prior agreement of www.iRadio.ie and you must first contact the Chief Executive of iRadio. By downloading a iRadio.ie RSS feed, you acknowledge that iRadio.ie does not accept any liability for its RSS feeds, and that iRadio.ie is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites

Intellectual Property

You acknowledge that the content including but not limited to text, images and logos identifying iRadio or third parties and their products and services are subject to copyright, design rights and trade marks of iRadio and/or third parties. You are not permitted to use any trademark, patent, design right or copyright of iRadio, or any other third party without the prior written consent of iRadio or the third party.

Contributions to the iRadio Website

By providing "Content" to iRadio.ie (which for the purposes of these Ts and Cs is defined to include any text of whatever nature including any comments or submissions posted by you to any part of iRadio.ie ), photographs, graphics, video or audio), you agree that iRadio.ie may - free of charge - use, edit, moderate, copy and make the Content or any part of it available as it sees fit on the iRadio.ie site or on any other iRadio or third-party services in any media worldwide. By providing Content to iRadio.ie you confirm that it is your own original work and not copied from anyone else or infringing any third party’s rights and is not defamatory, obscene, harassing, offensive, threatening or in breach of anyone’s privacy. iRadio does not guarantee to use or otherwise make available user contributions.

Where Content is provided by you by way of comments that are posted to any part of iRadio.ie you agree that you will not seek to impersonate a third party or post comments which are falsely attributed to any third party. You acknowledge that you are responsible for any comments posted by you and that you are solely responsible for your conduct in posting such Content to any part of iRadio.ie

By providing content to iRadio.ie you confirm that you have the right to give iRadio.ie permission to use it for the purposes specified above, and that you have the consent of anyone who is identifiable in your contribution or the consent of their parent/guardian if they are under 18. iRadio.ie may show your name with your contribution, unless you request otherwise. iRadio.ie may need to contact you for administrative or verification purposes in relation to your contribution. For full details of when and how we may contact you please see IRadio’s Privacy Policy. User contributions do not, unless specifically stated, represent the views of iRadio.ie or IRadio. iRadio.ie does not guarantee to use or otherwise make available user contributions.

Third Party Sites/Links

iRadio is not responsible for the availability or content of any third party websites or material accessed through the iRadio.ie site. IRadio does not exercise any control or supervision of content of these linked sites.
iRadio.ie does not endorse, and shall not be held responsible for any content, advertising, products, services or information on or available from third party sites. Third party sites linked through iRadio.ie are not covered by these terms and conditions.
If any provisions of these terms and conditions are found to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state or country in which these terms are intended to be effective, then to the extent and within the jurisdiction in which that term is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from these terms and the remaining terms shall survive, remain in full force and effect.
These terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Ireland.
IRadio reserves the absolute right to edit, moderate and delete user contributions in its absolute discretion. IRadio cannot publish comments which are not accompanied by a full name and email address.

iRadio's Cash Machine Terms & Conditions can be found here.

Competition T&Cs


  1. Definitions and introduction

1.1 In this Agreement the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings (and, where applicable, the singular shall include the plural):
“iRadio” means iRadio Ltd, its sponsor or any company or website owned or controlled by iRadio Ltd.
“Competition” means any competition or promotion on one or more of our radio stations or websites;
“employee” shall include employees, freelancers and contractors;
“Entrant” means any person who enters a Competition on air, or online through our website or any social platform owned or controlled by iRadio
“Family Member” means a spouse, partner, close blood relation or spouse of a close blood relation;
“Participant” means any person who is selected by us to participate in a Competition;
“Prize” means any prize or gift offered or awarded in a Competition;
“Specific Rules” means the specific rules, entry instructions and any other specific details or terms relating to a particular Competition or Prize promoted on air, published on the iRadio website or on any other website or in any other media which features the Competition
“Terms” means these Competition Terms and Conditions together with any Specific Rules;
“we”, “us” and “our” means iRadio Ltd, including any sponsor, company or website/social platform controlled by iRadio Ltd
“you” means an Entrant or Participant in or winner of (as the case may be) a Competition.
1.2 All of our Competitions will be subject to (i) these Competition Terms and Conditions and (ii) the Specific Rules and you will be bound by these Terms when you enter or participate in any Competition or accept any Prize. If these Competition Terms and Conditions differ or conflict with any Specific Rules then the Specific Rules will prevail.
1.3 We may add to, amend or vary these Competition Terms and Conditions from time to time, at our discretion.
1.4 You agree to co-operate with and comply with all reasonable requests made by us in connection with any Competition and its broadcast/publication

  1. Eligibility and Entry Criteria

2.1 In order to make a valid entry into a Competition you must enter as an individual using your legal name and make only one entry per Competition, unless the Specific Rules allow you to make multiple entries. You may only enter a competition if you are a resident of the Republic of Ireland.
2.2 You must be over 18 to enter a competition, unless specific rules state otherwise, and may be asked to provide proof of age
2.3 Unless otherwise stated in the Specific Rules, you may not enter a Competition if you are an employee, or Family Member of an employee, of (i) any iRadio Company or (ii) any Competition sponsor or Prize giver or if you are directly or indirectly connected with the Competition.
2.4 So that we can ensure the fairness of our competitions, we reserve the right to prevent you, at our absolute discretion, from entering any of our Competitions for a period of six months if you have either (i) won a Prize valued at €1,000 or greater or (ii) won more than one Prize during the previous six months. If we choose to exercise this right we will notify you in writing.
2.5 No multiple, bulk, automated, machine assisted, third party, syndicate or other group entries will be accepted. We shall disqualify any entries which, in our reasonable opinion, appear to have used any of these entry methods including multiple entries from the same IP address or telephone number, unless the Specific Rules state that multiple entries are permitted.
2.6 Candidates in any General, Mayoral or any other national or local Election will be ineligible, during the period of such Election, to enter any Competition until after the conclusion of such Election.
2.7 We may ask you to provide us with proof of your eligibility to enter a Competition and we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to decide whether or not eligibility criteria have been met. Breach of any of the criteria contained in this Clause 2 may result in your disqualification from a Competition and/or the withdrawal of a Prize.

  1. Entering a Competition

3.1 Entries by text message must be sent to the applicable number as advertised on-air or online. A text message will normally cost the standard rate for your service provider, please check with your service provider for more details.
3.2 Please take care to follow the exact on-air or online Competition entry instructions. We cannot guarantee Competition entry for mis-spelt entries.
3.3 If you are using a telephone which is not paid for by you, please ask for the permission of the bill payer before entering the Competition.
3.4 If you fail to answer your telephone when we phone you or you become disconnected for any reason before or during the Competition, we reserve the right to select another Entrant to participate in the Competition.
3.5 For Competitions involving online voting only one vote for each valid email address will be accepted and we reserve the right to disqualify any Entrant making, or attempting to make, multiple votes.
3.6 For each on-air Competition all timings including the closing time are as broadcast on the Station’s FM broadcast frequency, or online. If you are listening via an IP enabled device such as a smartphone or tablet, please remember that the stream can be slightly behind the FM broadcast due to differences in network speeds and/or the advertising we serve to listeners on IP enabled devices. If a Competition requires you to enter by a deadline dependent on an item in the broadcast (e.g. by the end of a song) we cannot take into account any delay from listening via an IP enabled device and the deadline will be as on the FM broadcast, so please take this into account when entering a Competition.

  1. Prizes

4.1 If you win a prize, we will notify you within 28 days of the end date of the Competition and you will then have 3 months within which to claim the Prize. If you fail to claim the Prize within the time- limit, or fail to comply with any other instructions or time-limits notified to you, you will forfeit your right to the Prize and your claim will be invalid.
4.2 We reserve the right, at our absolute discretion, to request certain evidence relating to your Competition entry including proof of identity, age and address. Please ensure you have given us your correct address so that we can send your Prize to you.
4.3 We may carry out an interview with you either by telephone or in person and we may record the interview;
4.4 All Prizes are non-transferable and may not be given, assigned or sold to another person.
4.5 Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash, or other, except by us in accordance with clause 10.1.
4.6 You will not be entitled to receive a Prize which, for any reason, you would be prohibited by law from purchasing, using or owning.
4.7 Unless otherwise stated in the Specific Rules, you may not win more than one Prize per Competition and we reserve the right to withhold or reclaim any second or subsequent Prize.
4.8 Where the Prize contains ticket(s) to an event, you will be bound by and must comply with the event promoter’s terms and conditions together with those set out on the ticket and the rules and regulations of the venue.
4.9 No fee is payable to you in respect of your involvement in the Competition.
4.10 Holiday Prizes are subject to availability and must be taken in accordance with the dates, destinations, carriers and number of passengers specified by us.
4.11 When entering a Competition offering a holiday Prize you must hold a valid passport with at least 6 months’ further duration and which contains no visa restrictions on your ability to travel to the relevant destination. Passport control and in-country authorities reserve the right to refuse entry. If you are refused passage and or entry/exit to or from the country being visited, any additional costs and losses incurred will be your sole responsibility.
4.12 Holiday Prizes are not available to persons under the age of 18 unless otherwise stated in the Specific Rules. Children under 18 years of age cannot travel unless accompanied by an adult aged 18 or over.
4.13 Where no insurance is offered as part of a holiday prize, you are responsible for obtaining adequate travel insurance.
4.14 For a holiday prize, You must comply with the terms and conditions, including health and safety requirements, of the Prize provider, the airline and other carriers and venues involved in the Competition or the Prize including all health and safety guidelines and instructions and all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
4.15 You may not commit us to any contract, expense or cost without our prior written consent. You must have sufficient financial resources to meet any financial commitment which you may incur in connection with the Prize beyond those included in the Prize itself (including in the case of holiday prizes, transfers to and from the airport, meals and drinks).
4.16 We accept no liability for any changes in the details, including dates and times, of any flights, other transport, airport details, accommodation or other aspects of a holiday Prize.
4.17 You will be responsible for any inoculation and other health or visa requirements for your destination involved in a holiday Prize

4.18 Winners of social media competitions will be notified via a reply post or direct message from iRadio's official social media accounts.

The winner will be asked to share their contact details. All reasonable endeavours will be made to contact the winners during the specified time. If a winner cannot be contacted or is not available. One further attempt to contact the winner will be made. The person will be given 7 days to claim the prize. After which the promoter reserves the right to re-draw another winner from the valid/correct entries.


Health and Safety

5.1 Your entry or participation in a Competition and/or Prize is at your own risk and your health and safety is your own responsibility. If the Competition or Prize requires you to undertake any physical activity please ensure, before entering the Competition, that you (i) are in good health and (ii) have no underlying medical condition and are taking no medication that could adversely affect you.
5.2 Please ensure that you notify us immediately if you become ill or become aware of any other relevant medical or health and safety information which could affect your participation in a Competition and/or Prize. You must comply with all safety requests made by us or our representatives.
5.3 We reserve the right to disqualify you from the Competition and/or Prize (without liability or compensation) if you (in our opinion, which shall be final) conduct yourself in a way which exposes you or others to any medical, security, safety or other risk whatsoever (including being intoxicated or abusive in any way).

  1. Confidentiality and Publicity

6.1 You agree to keep confidential any information which you know or reasonably ought to know is confidential and relates to us, our business or the Competition or Prize.
6.2 You agree to participate, at our request, in publicity (including interviews) and you agree that we own all Intellectual Property Rights in, and may use at our absolute discretion, such publicity/interviews. We may refer to your association with the Competition and/or the Prize in all publicity, marketing and materials.
6.3 You agree that you shall not publicise your involvement in the Competition or the fact that you have won a Prize (including giving interviews) except as set out in clause 6.2 or with our prior written consent.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights

7.1 By entering a Competition or submitting a video, image, audio file or any other materials in relation to a Competition or Prize (the “Products”) you: (i) confirm the grant by you to us of a worldwide, perpetual, royalty free licence in the Intellectual Property Rights in the Products or Competition entry, (ii) waive any moral rights and like rights you have in relation to the Products or Competition entry so that we shall be entitled to use the Products or Competition entry in any and all media at no cost to us and (iii) warrant to us that the Products or Competition entry:
7.1.1 are personal and related specifically to you;
7.1.2 are owned and controlled by you and that you have the right, power and authority to grant the rights set out in these Terms;
7.1.3 will not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights, privacy or any other rights of any third party;
7.1.4 will not contain anything which is untrue, defamatory, obscene, indecent, harassing or threatening;
7.1.5 do not violate any applicable law or regulation (including any laws regarding anti discrimination or false advertising);
7.1.6 are not obscene or pornographic;
7.1.7 do not, to the best of the your knowledge, contain any viruses or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information;
7.1.8 are free from any encumbrances such that we may use the Products in accordance with and in the manner set out in these Terms.
7.2 For the avoidance of doubt, all rights relating to the Competition (including the name, title and format of the Competition) will vest exclusively in iRadio for our own use (in our absolute discretion).
7.3 Unless otherwise stated, Competition entries will not be returned to you.
7.4 Any personal data submitted by you will be used solely in accordance with current data protection legislation in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988. We may make winners’ details available to third parties involved in the competition on air or online, and/or involved in the prize process, upon request.

  1. Disqualification

8.1 We reserve the right (without accepting any liability or giving you any compensation) to disqualify you from a Competiton and/or withhold or withdraw a Prize (or seek compensation from= you therefor) if (in our opinion, which shall be final):
8.1.1 you are in breach of the Terms or any of your obligations, representations and/or warranties under this Agreement;
8.1.2 your conduct is inappropriate or contrary to the spirit or intention of the Terms or of the Competition;
8.1.3 you have committed or undertaken any fraud, dishonesty, deceit, misconduct or similar action including providing any false or incorrect information;
8.1.4 your act(s) or omission(s) might have an adverse effect on the Competition or iRadio (or any of its sponsors, companies, or social/online platforms);
8.1.5 it is in our best interests (or that of our sponsors, companies, or social/online platforms) to do so;
8.2 Entries that are incomplete, indecipherable, corrupt, late or otherwise not in accordance with entry instructions will not be accepted.
8.3 In the event of your disqualification from the Competition/Prize:
8.3.1 we reserve the right to select another Entrant to take part in the Competition/receive the Prize; and
8.3.2 you may be required to pay any costs incurred.

  1. Cancellation of the Competition

9.1 We shall be entitled, in our reasonable discretion, to cancel, delay and/or recommence a Competition with immediate effect by on-air or online announcement without any liability to you. If we cancel a Competition after you have claimed a Prize, we will use our reasonable endeavors to offer you an alternative Prize. If we offer you an alternative Prize but you do not accept it, you shall have no claim against us.
9.2 We may cancel a Competition if we believe we have good reason to do so, including if:
9.2.1 a broadcasting, publishing, production, distribution or printing error of any kind occurs (whether on-air, online or otherwise);
9.2.2 there have been any errors in the preparation for, or the conduct of, the Competition materially affecting the result of the Competition, the number of Prize claims or the value of the Prize claims.

  1. Exclusion of liability/indemnity

10.1 Nothing in the Terms excludes our liability for:
10.1.1 death or personal injury arising out of our negligence or the negligence of our employees;
10.1.2 fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by us or our employees; or
10.1.3 any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by law.
10.2 Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 10.1, we exclude all liability whatsoever for any costs, expenses, losses, damages, liabilities, injury or disappointment (other than any costs and expenses specifically provided for in the Competition and/or Prize) including any loss of profit, business, contracts, revenues or anticipated savings and whether special, direct, indirect or consequential suffered by you howsoever arising in connection with the Competition and/or Prize.
10.3 Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 10.1 and subject to the provisions of Clause
10.2 we shall have no liability whatsoever:
10.3.1 in respect of Competitions operated by third parties and featured on air or on our websites. The relevant third party will be responsible for the fulfillment of the Competition. We accept no responsibility for the acts or omissions of such third parties;
10.3.2 in the event of postal, telephone, text message or online entries delayed or not received by us as a result of network incompatibility, technical faults or for any other reason;
10.3.3 for any person not being able to enter a Competition for any reason, including system failure, error, the application through which online entries are made being down, hacks on the system or personal computer issues;
10.3.4 for any losses suffered by you in submitting data to any of our websites;
10.3.5 for any mistakes in the source material utilized by our question compilers;
10.3.6 for Prizes which are lost, delayed or damaged in the post or otherwise not received by you.
10.4 The decision of our judges is final and conclusive in all circumstances and no correspondence will be entered into.
10.5 You agree to indemnify us and our radio station (including sponsors and companies controlled by iRadio) and employees against all costs, losses, damages, expenses and liabilities (including for loss of reputation and goodwill and professional advisers fees) suffered by us arising as a result of a breach by you of your obligations under the Terms or in any way in connection with your failure to follow our reasonable instructions with regard to your entry into the Competition or taking of any Prize.

  1. Force Majeure

11.1 We shall not be liable to perform any of our obligations under the Competition or in respect of the Prizes where we are unable to do so as a result of unforeseen circumstances or circumstances beyond our reasonable control and whilst we may (but shall not be obliged to) endeavor to provide an alternative Prize of equal value, we shall not be liable to compensate you in such circumstances.


iRadio, Level 3 Unit C Monksland Business Park Athlone (the “Promoter”)


The websites shall be the following.



During the Entry Period, the prize will be announced on air.

To play the competition, the entrant must text the key word followed by their name and location.

The winner will be chosen at random. The entrant selected will be required to talk to the presenter / programming team, and the call may be recorded and played on-air (assuming there is no breach of these terms and conditions).

If they are not able to answer the phone for any reason then they will be unable to play the competition, another entry will be selected.


Entrants can enter the competition by sending an SMS message starting with the keyword to 50780. If the message does not start with the valid Keyword(s), or is not sent to the valid number, it will not be entered.

Entrants will receive an automated SMS response to their SMS message confirming their entry.

Entrants are responsible for all costs associated with entering this competition. Texts cost €2.00 (from Ireland) + standard network rate. Entrants must have permission from the bill payer before entering the Competition.

iRadio is not responsible for any network or technical issues an entrant may experience, such as latency of the mobile phone network, which may delay or prevent their participation or cause them to lose the Competition if on-air.


The competition is only open to people aged 18 and over who: (i) live in the Republic of Ireland, (ii) are not an iRadio employee or their immediate family (including live-in partner) and (iii) are not an employee of any third-party sponsors or prize providers, or their immediate family (including live-in partner).

Entrants must obtain permission from the bill payer before texting to enter the competition.

We reserve the right to run bonus SMS entry incentives throughout the duration of the competition. These incentives will be communicated via the automated SMS response received to confirm the entry.

It is possible to be selected more than once to play the competition between the Start Date and End Date, and if the entrant selected has not previously won the Prize, they are eligible to play again.


Entrants who are randomly selected will be contacted by the phone number provided with their entry. This may be live on air or off-air.

All callers are randomly selected in the same way and any off-air recording will only ever take place after the entries have closed. The name, hometown, photo and any video or audio recording of the winner may also be posted on the iRadio’s website and / or social media platforms.

By entering the competition, the entrant is automatically consenting to being called and having their name and location announced on-air.

Entrants are only able to win a single prize throughout the duration of this competition. Also, if an entrant has won €500 or more in an iRadio Competition over the past 6 months they are not eligible to win.


The Prize is the cash amount only (€600) and the winner will be paid cash, by bank transfer or by cheque.

Delivery or payment of the Prize is subject to the winner providing personal identification and / or proof of address and to internal compliance checks. The Prize is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged. Payment of the Prize may take up to 28 days from the point at which the Promoter receives the correct details.

Where, it emerges after the Prize has been awarded that the entrant was in breach of these terms and conditions, we reserve the right to withdraw the Prize from that winner and they will not be entitled to any further reward or remuneration. We reserve the right to exclude individuals who breach our terms and conditions from entering our competitions.


We will sometimes (at our discretion) telephone entrants and ask them to speak on-air. They have the right to refuse. If they consent, their voice will be recorded, and they consent to this recording being used on our radio broadcasts. Entrants agree that we will own this recording and that a copy of it will be stored for further exploitation, which may include promotion.

Entrants will not be put through to speak on-air if we think they are driving illegally, intoxicated, likely to swear, or otherwise offend our listeners. Whilst on air for the purposes of this competition entrants must not use foul language, swear, say or do anything defamatory or illegal or say or do anything which would damage the reputation of the Promoter, is offensive or inappropriate or which would cause us, or our listeners, harm. Failure to comply will result in disqualification, and if the entrant has won the prize, this will be forfeited.


We will only accept entries that comply with our terms and conditions, and we may disqualify the entrant if we know or suspect that they have breached them. All our decisions relating to the Competition and/or awarding of prizes are final. No discussions or correspondence with entrants or any other person will be entered into about the operation of this Competition. We have the right to cancel, amend, terminate, or suspend this Competition if forced to do so due to circumstances outside our control.


The promoter of this Competition is iRadio. Telephone number 0906445600

Complaints should be sent to [email protected]

For customer support or any queries, please email [email protected]


Competition: MyStationMyMusic – Rate our Music

  1. Summary

1.1 Rate our Music is valid for all IRADIO participants who enter via iRADIO WEBSITE and MyRadioTest.com and who are residing in Ireland. The Competition prize is a €100 ASOS Gift Card.

  1. To Qualify

2.1 To enter, the applicant must rate our music between the 7th to the 21st of March 2024.

  1. The Winner:

3.1 The winner will be selected randomly by the iRADIO team at the end of the competition deadline.

3.2 The winner must be over 18 years of age

3.3 The winner will be called back on air by one of the iRADIO presenters to be told that they are the winner.

3.4 The winner must provide their full name and address afterwards (off air) to redeem the prize.

3.5 The competition winner shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions.

4. Data Protection

4.1 By entering this competition, the applicant consents to their personal data being processed by IRADIO and MyRadioTest.com for the purposes of the competition.

4.2 Your email address will be kept in the MyRadioTest.com so they can email you in the future when IRADIO are doing more Music Tests & giving away more prizes.

4.3 For more information on the MyRadiotest.com privacy policy and the way we may use your personal data please see: http://www.myradiotest.com/privacy/

ITEM 1: iRadio’s iLife.

ITEM 2: PROMOTE: iRadio, Level 3 Unit C Monksland Business Park Athlone (the “Promoter”)

ITEM 3:iradio.ie/ iLife


  • This competition is persons aged 18 years or over.

1.2 Employees of iRadio and its affiliates, and their immediate families are not eligible to enter.

  1. Competition Period

2.1 The competition begins at 23rd of September and entries will close on Friday 11th of October. At 9:30 AM. The winner will be announced on Monday 21st.

  1. How to Enter

3.1 To enter this competition, you must listen to iRadio during the competition period. 3.2 Entry for this competition will be via a registration page on iRadio.ie. From here, entries will be shortlisted. The overall winner will be officially announced onair.

The Prize

4.1 There is one prize available to be won.

4.2 The prize consists of: PRIZE INCLUDES

  • Return flights for four people from Ireland to Dubai
  • Return transfers from the airport to the hotel
  • 5 Nights' accommodation at a 5-star hotel
  • Breakfast for four people in the hotel restaurant each morning
  • Entry into Zero Gravity for four people
  • Sky pool experiences for four people at AURA SKYPOOL. Includes: ▪ €300.00 Drink and snacks allowance
  • €1,000.00 Spending money
  • Travel insurance

 Travel & Accommodation

  1. The prize is non-transferable and there is no cash alternative.

5.1Any additional expenses, including transport to and from Dublin Airport, meals, spending money, & visas, (if required) are the responsibility of the winner.

5.2 Travel is subject to availability at the discretion of NDL Travel and excludes bank holidays, Valentine’s day/weekend and school holiday periods, specifically the Christmas holidays, summer holidays, spring and autumn half terms and Easter in both ROI and UAE.

5.3 Prize includes return economy flights, all flight taxes and surcharges as well as one piece of checked baggage per person. A Saturday night stay is a requirement of your ticket. Subject to availability, departure airport used will be the winners nearest international airport that operates flights to Dubai. Please note, this may not be your closest airport. If you don’t hold a ROI passport you may need a visa for this destination, and this should be arranged with the appropriate embassy. Although please note the cost of a visa of this kind isn’t included in your prize.

5.4 Due to the ever-changing travel advice in relation to world events, we would advise that you look at all the information available with regards to the entry requirements of the destination you are travelling to, before selecting your dates. To understand the risks in a country, follow FCDO Travel Advice. You can find information online at https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice. It is your responsibility to comply with any requirements for entering UAE and upon returning to the ROI. NDL Group cannot be held responsible for the winner not having the correct travel documentation or following any entry regulations. Transfers will be private and not shared with other passengers.

5.5 You will be staying in a 5* hotel, sharing one quadruple room with en-suite bathroom on a bed and breakfast basis.

5.6. Entrance to Zero Gravity is based on a right of admission reserved policy. Entrance to the venue can’t be guaranteed and is at the door persons discretion, entrants must be aged 21 and over. Passport/Photo ID may be required so please ensure you take this with you. Tickets to specific events will be for the day stated only and are non-transferable. Tickets are subject to availability at the time of purchase.

5.7 Entrance into the Aura Sky Pool is subject to availability at the time of booking. Guests below 15 years old are not allowed access to AURA at any time of the day. After 7pm, guests below 21 years old are not allowed access to AURA. Proof of identification is required, failure to provide such documentation may result in refused entry to AURA SKYPOOL without any refund. 15 to 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult.

5.8 Spending money and drink and food allowance for AURA SKYPOOL will be transferred directly to the winner upon confirmation of full and correct bank details. Transfers can take up to 5 working days.

5.9 Travel insurance is subject to normal terms of acceptance. Pre-existing medical conditions may not be covered. No age restrictions apply. Should NDL Group be unable to purchase travel insurance on the winner’s behalf, a cash sum will be provided to the winner via bank transfer.  All prizes must be claimed and booked by the prize winner within 12 months from the date of our initial correspondence with them.

  • Winner Selection

6.1 The winner(s) will be selected during the competition period.

5.2 The winner(s) will be contacted by phone and announced onair.

7 Data Protection

Entry to this competition will be deemed as acceptance for iRadio /  BMAI to collect, store and process your data locally for the purpose of carrying out this competition, which once has ended will be deleted.

Contact information provided by entrants will only be used to contact them if they have been shortlisted as contestants in this competition.

For the purpose of prize fulfilment the overall winner(s) information will be passed to the prize supplier, NDL GROUP. This will be done in compliance with GDPR.

If requested and consenting to speak on air with an iRadio presenter or to provide a short video, the winner consents to the use of their likeness, image and voice provided to be shared on iRadio / BMAI social media platforms.


8.1 iRadio reserves the right to cancel or amend the competition or these terms and conditions without notice. 8.2 By entering the competition, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

iRadio / BMAI shall not be liable for any loss, damage or consequential damage of any nature including negligence or otherwise caused by acceptance of these terms or in connection with the Prize or the Competition.

These terms and conditions shall be governed by Irish law and the courts of Ireland shall have exclusive jurisdiction.