18-34 year olds can get vaccin...


18-34 year olds can get vaccinated in pharmacies from Monday

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

09:15 2 Jul 2021

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Stephen Donnelly announced the news this morning.

From Monday, 18 - 34 year olds will be able to get vaccinated in pharmacies.

Source: Twitter (@seandefoe) 

The official advice from NIAC is under 50's should get an mRNA vaccine such as Pfizer where possible.

However 18 - 34 year olds who want an earlier vaccination will be able to get the one-shot Johnson and Johnson in a local pharmacy.

Source: Twitter (@DonnellyStephen) 

The HSE say 53,000 Johnson and Johnson vaccines are available at pharmacies nationally.

It says there are an additional 70,000 doses available at short notice "if needed".

People aged between 18 - 34, and those aged over 50 are encouraged to contact their local pharmacy to check availability.

Source: Twitter (@gavreilly) 

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Covid-19 Johnson And Johnson Pharmacies Vaccine Young People