Five ways to stay active at ho...


Five ways to stay active at home during isolation

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

12:04 1 May 2020

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Staying at home doesn't necessarily have to mean staying on the couch with a share pack of Tayto (although let's be honest, you need those days too).

Our gyms, our swimming pools and our group workout classes are all on hold for the time being, but there are still plenty of fun activities and classes you can try out to boost your physical and mental wellbeing during this time.

Here are just a few suggestions of what the iRadio team have been trying out:

1. Online Dance Classes

"I've been following some dance classes on YouTube, I hate running and need something else to keep me focused so bopping along to one of my favourite club anthems has been keeping me active during lockdown."

- Louise Clarke

2. Grounding

"I'm so old school when it comes to any exercise routines.  I love to get out every evening for an hour and walk my dog Miss Muggins. It's simple but so lovely. I also practice grounding, all it is is walking barefoot in the garden for half an hour a day (if it's not raining).  I feel great afterwards!"

- Oonagh O'Carroll

3. Cycling

"I always hated cycling as a kid with a PASSION. It made me sweaty and tired and to be honest, I found the whole thing pretty pointless. However, out of sheer boredom one evening, I dusted down an old bike we had in the shed at home, fixed it up and hopped on it for a quick cycle loop around my home. I absolutely loved it. The fresh air gave me such a burst of energy and has me set up for the rest of the day!"

- Sharron Lynskey

4. Short online workouts

"I've always been shockingly bad at exercise because I hate committing to it.  The only things I've been able to do on any sort of a regular basis are walks and short arm and abs workouts.  I follow videos by Holly Dolke. When it comes to the abs, I'm trying a 30 day plan from Blogilates which is a set of five exercises, building on the reps each day."

- Fionnuala Corbett

5. Running

"I got into running in the last six months, so I've been trying to keep that up and stay fit. The exercise and fresh air is a great boost for your mental health and of course, the nice weather has helped.
There's a loop near my house, that I've been running that's within the 2km radius and I try to do that one a few times a week."

- Paul Byrne

"I'm no exercise guru but what has been working well for me is just getting out. I normally go for a 5K run each day. Truthfully though, I'm only running/jogging for half of the time, if even. The rest of the time I'm walking, skipping, doing jumping jacks or doing anything to just get the blood pumping.

- Brian McEvoy

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