Tips to get the kids out garde...

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Tips to get the kids out gardening

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

01:33 2 Apr 2020

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This is a great chance to get the kids keen on gardening.

Trying to keep kids occupied at the moment can be a challenge but with the onset of summer, the little ones will love to get outside and get their hands dirty. Why not introduce them to gardening? It might even encourage them to eat something green.

Whilst most garden centres are closed, there are lots of online options to pick up everything you need to get started.

We asked Joyces Hardware and Home of Galway for some tips on what are easy, kid-friendly things to sow and grow.

Plant Strawberries

Who doesn’t like a big juicy strawberry? These are a great way to introduce children to gardening. They’re easy to grow and can be planted straight into the soil or in hanging baskets, a big pot, a raised bed or a growbag. A recommended variety is "Elsanta" for its flavour and reliability.

Sow Seeds

All you will need are a few seed trays some free-draining compost and a sunny indoor window. With night-time frosts, it is just too cold to put seeds out. If you are new to gardening or want something simple for kids to try the following are easy to grow and should give good results.


If you want something to satisfy the impatience of children cress is perfect as you will see germination within a fortnight in normal conditions.

Pumpkins or Squash

These will bring great excitement as kids watch them grow. They would normally need to be in the open soil or large raised bed due to their size. As the fruit develops carefully lift it of the ground and place an upturned saucer under the pumpkin. This allows the water to run off and prevents the pumpkin from rotting. Lettuce and Rocket are also very easy salads to grow especially in pots.


An old- favourite. Their seeds are large so can be handled easily by children and the flowers can make a salad look really pretty.


These are easy to grow. They may require is bamboo for support as they get really tall. Why not have a competition between your kids as to who grows the tallest?

Sweet Pea

Generally grown for its outstanding scent. As it likes to climb it will need support such as a wall trellis, or just make a tripod with bamboos.

Happy gardening!

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