How the type of shoes you wear...


How the type of shoes you wear could influence how a first date goes

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

08:26 12 Nov 2018

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As superficial as it sounds, first impressions count when it comes to dating.

Especially if you're going on a Tinder date and you're meeting for the first time.

In fact, your subconscious brain can reportedly create a first impression of someone in as little as one tenth of a second.

Which makes it pretty understandable why most people - male and female - struggle with choosing what to wear on a date.

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However, a style psychologist has teamed up with lyst to try to help us nail that first impression .

Kate Nightingale claims that footwear can influence how a first date goes as it's "a big indicator of character".

For women who want to convey strength and confidence to their date, she advises wearing high heels.


But for those who want to appear chilled out, she says wearing the opposite is best:

"Pointed toes say you’re an extrovert, rounded toes do the opposite. For laid-back charm, rounded toes or platforms beat out stilettos every time. They’ll make you feel stable and grounded."

Kate says if you're creative, you should let your clothes do the talking:

"If you want to make a bold creative statement, an unusual pair of shoes or a quirky handbag make for great conversation starters."

For creative men, Kate advises starting from the feet up and pairing stand out socks with trainers. But she warns not to overdo it:

"Our date's subconscious is already processing 11 million bits of information a second – so, try not to put too many colours or patterns together as this just confuses the brain."

Men looking to keep things chill should opt for comfortable shoes, while those who want to unleash their inner comedian should go for a loud pair of trainers.

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Dating Fashion Quirky Relationships Shoes Tinder