Study finds short girls and ta...


Study finds short girls and tall lads make the happiest couples

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:35 25 May 2018

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Apparently size does matter!

For many, height is an important factor when searching for The One.

Women tend to want to match with taller men, and most men prefer women to be shorter than them.

Now a study's found your partner's height is directly linked to how happy your relationship is.

Researchers have discovered that couples in which the man is much taller than the woman have the best relationships.

4,000 married Indonesian couples were surveyed and the happiest were those with the greatest height difference.

Of course there were other factors that played into their happiness, including self-esteem and income but the study found height played a surprisingly big part in most of the relationships.

In the Journal Of Personality and Individual Differences, researcher Dr Kitae Sohn said:

"Although it has been known that women prefer tall men in mating for evolutionary reasons, no study has investigated whether a taller husband makes his wife happier. A greater height difference in a couple was positively related to the wife's happiness."

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