Scientists reveal what Women f...


Scientists reveal what Women find most attractive in Men: It's all about length.


11:37 17 May 2018

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It's an age old question... what exactly do women find attractive in a man?

Well, a new study has revealed the answer!

And it’s certainly not what you'd think...

It’s all about the length ...

... the length of their legs.

The study, which comes to us from the Royal Society Open Science measured the body proportions of around 9000-men from the US Military and made computer simulations of an 'average' male body.

They then altered each figure slightly, making the arms and legs shorter or longer.

Then they showed the body types to several hundred heterosexual women and asked one question...

'Rank the selection’s physical attractiveness.'

And results were unanimous.

The computer simulations shown to the female participants. Source:

When showed an image of a male body where the legs matched almost half the height of the rest of the body, the Women's hearts would race, indicating attraction.

And their ideal length is just a bit longer than the male average, the study says.

Lead researcher of the study, Dr William Skylark writes:

“Leg-body ratios that are slightly above the mean are associated with high socioeconomic status, good nutrition and developmental stability, as well as bio-mechanical efficiency during locomotion.” 

“The observed preference for LBRs that are at or slightly above the population mean accords with the idea that these LBRs signal the fitness of the prospective mate.”

There you have it! It's all in the legs... apparently.

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Attraction Men Women