Leaving Cert student forced to...

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Leaving Cert student forced to sit exam just hours after having appendix removed

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

09:58 4 Jul 2019

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"I had to end both exams early and ended up on the bathroom floor getting sick.''

A Leaving Cert student has revealed she was forced to sit exams just hours after having her appendix removed.

18-year-old Amy Richards from Wexford wrote to the Irish Times describing her "inhumane" experience.

Amy said she sat the English Paper 1 just three hours after the surgery, because a request to sit the exam in July was refused.

According to the paper, a statement from the State Examinations Commission said a comprehensive review of how best to support students is scheduled.

She told the Irish Times: “I have no idea what I wrote, I don’t know if it was complete gibberish.

During English paper 2 and maths paper 1 the nausea was horrific."

"The exams were interrupted on numerous occasions so I could receive pain medication and have my drip changed.

“I was trying to write but all I could think about was getting sick. I had to end both exams early and ended up on the bathroom floor getting sick.''

Amy added that she feels there's a lot of pressure put on students around exam time.

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