3/5 people would end a date or...


3/5 people would end a date or relationship over bad eating habits

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

12:33 22 Sep 2021

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No eating with your mouth open please!

Three in five people would end a date early or break up with someone if they had bad food habits.

And men have a lower tolerance level for it!

2,000 people took part in the poll.

And it showed that men are almost twice as likely than women to break up with someone or end a date early because of food habits.

Ironically, they're also more likely to admit to having the same bad habits.

The survey looked at some other annoying food habits.

And they found that 68% said talking with your mouth full was the most inexcusable.

Although talking while chewing was found to be the top offense, it’s also the offense most people admitted they were guilty of, with 28% identifying it as a habit.

So, is their a generation difference?

Well, Gen-Z came out as the most tolerant age group with 73% saying they’d simply politely ignore a food habit that annoyed them.

Millennials are more outspoken, with almost two-thirds (61%) saying they’d politely ask the offender to stop.

But they’re also the most likely to end a date or relationship over such offences.

And 48% of them admitted to having done so in the past.

On a first date, 42% said chewing with their mouth open warranted ending the night early.

49% of respondents also said dropping food on the floor and then eating it was unforgivable!

5 second rule no??

While more than half of people said that slurping food is a big no-no.

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Bad Date Bad Habits Date Food Food Habits Habits