We've got the perfect excuse f...


We've got the perfect excuse for your weekend lie-in

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

12:24 23 Sep 2021

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The news we all needed to hear.

Ah the weekend...

There's no greater feeling that not setting an alarm for the morning - such bliss right!?

But some people actually may feel a pang of guilt when they wake up late or feel as if they've wasted part of the day.

Or other people make you feel that way with comments like 'oh good afternoon' rather than 'good morning' when you get up.

Well, no more!

Because new research has shown there is one major health benefit to a cheeky lie in.

According to a study published in the journal Sleep Medicine, people who catch up on missed sleep at weekends have lower rates of depression than those who don’t.

But the cut off of extra sleep should be about 2 hours.

According to the Guardian, the study also showed that the risk of depression rose for those who got more than two extra hours.

So all within reason people!!

The study used data from a 2016 health survey including 5,500 participants from South Korea.

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