Smart Pyjamas Could Be The Lat...


Smart Pyjamas Could Be The Latest Fashion Trend

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

01:56 4 Apr 2019

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Move over smart watches, we're getting ourselves some smart pyjamas.

Image via Librestock

Smart pyjamas could be the latest fashion trend.

Researchers have created a brand new garment that'll give you the perfect night's sleep. It monitors your heartbeat, breathing and sleep posture and could be on the market in the next two years.

The Smart Nightwear will range from about €90 to €180 and includes five sensors that'll monitor your sleeping throughout the night.

The team behind this new invention say you won't even notice you're wearing five self-powered sensors but those sensors will continuously monitor your heartbeat, breathing and sleep posture.

The feedback you get from the Smart Pyjamas the following morning will then highlight what exactly is going wrong in your current sleep pattern, according to Metro.

A good night's sleep can protect you against stress, infections and multiple diseases, such as heart and kidney disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

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Sleep Sleeping Smart Pyjamas