Call on Government to help chi...

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Call on Government to help children in poverty in Budget

Valerie McHugh
Valerie McHugh

07:39 20 May 2024

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There's a call on Government to invest in welfare payments in the Budget to help children in poverty.

The Children's Rights Alliance also wants significant supports put in place for families going through homelessness.

Today's Child Poverty Monitor warns if kids most in need are neglected they're being condemned to fail in the future.

Children's Rights Alliance CEO Tanya Ward says poverty stops children from getting ahead in life

"If you live in poverty, particularly over a long period of time, a persistent type of poverty - we've got about 260 thousand children at the moment experiencing deprivation.

"What we know is it has a very negative effect on them and their life chances.

"They are less actually likely to be very hopeful about their future, and they are more likely to really fail in school and complete the school cycle."

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