Alcohol ban on flights could b...

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Alcohol ban on flights could be considered by Irish Aviation Authority

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

11:07 2 Oct 2019

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Air rage is under the spotlight, with a number of airports and airlines teaming up to combat the issue.

air rage (Source:

Airlines and airports are coming together to try to cut down on air rage, which they say is often fuelled by drink.

The number of disruptive incidents increased by one third across Europe between 2017 and 2018 and the Irish Aviation Authority is joining the campaign to reverse that trend.

Paul Brandon from the IAA says there won't be a no-fly list, but the aim is to get people to be on their best behaviour.

"Already you can be prevented from getting on a flight if you don't present in a suitable manner but I think the message probably isn't out there for passengers. 

"What we're doing now is putting that message out there strongly that you have to present for a flight in a particular way, and that if you do present in a way which is going to cause disruption, you can either not be allowed on the flight or if you do cause disruption when you're on the flight, then there are consequences when you land."

When asked on RTÉ radio’s Morning Ireland if aviation authorities would consider banning alcohol on flights, Mr Brandon said: ''We will see if there is a need for further action.

''It is absolutely on the table, but our preference is to focus on the awareness of the risk if they disrupt a flight.''

Today, Aer Lingus, Ryanair and other organisations that operate in the aviation sector at the country’s main airports, and the Commission for Aviation Regulation, signed a joint declaration committing to tackling disruptive passenger behaviour on flights.

The ‘Not On My Flight’ will aim to raise awareness of the actions that will be taken against disruptive passengers. The campaign will follow these guidelines:

  • A zero-tolerance approach to disruptive behaviour where safety is a risk.
  • The identification, pre-emption, management and reporting of disruptive incidents.
  • The responsible sale and consumption of alcohol.
  • Ongoing education and communication with passengers to continue to raise awareness of the risks associated with disruptive behaviour.

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Air Rage Airlines Airports Disruption Flights Passengers