Calls for government to regula...

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Calls for government to regulate teenage discos

Aine Gillespie
Aine Gillespie

04:28 25 Apr 2024

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Alcohol Forum Ireland is campaigning for a crack down on drinking at the underage events.

There are concerns surrounding the rule which allows minors inside a licensed premises as long as alcohol is not being sold, and how well the venues are chaperoned.

Paula Leonard is the CEO of Alcohol Forum Ireland.

She's calling on the government to come up with some guidelines for providers.

"Some nightclubs are doing this well and some aren't but what has happened is, this has become a for profit model for a dwindling nightclub scene in Ireland. This wasn't the solution charging 11 or 12 year olds €20 a pop, two and a half thousand of them squashed into the same venue." 

Meanwhile, almost half of 15 year old girls in Ireland have tried alcohol at least once in their life.

39% of boys in the same age group have tried it.

A report by the WHO has also found 31% of girls and 22% of boys aged 15 have tried vaping.

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