Man swallows Apple Airpods - T...

The Lift

Man swallows Apple Airpods - They still work after laxatives

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:45 3 May 2019

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How do you even swallow an Airpod? 

Apple's Wireless AirPods has become a status symbol since its release and at a cost of €169 euro, it's one way of showing off your credit union loan wealth. 

But it turns out those AirPods, When put to the test, will hold up pretty well.

A Taiwanese man unwillingly swallowed one of the wireless Apple earbuds in his sleep and was surprised to see that it still worked after reemerging out the other end (after some hard laxatives) 

Ben Hsu obviously never heard of praying to St. Anthony because after Tearing his home apart while looking for the AirPod, Ben Hsu turned to the device's "Find My AirPods" feature.

Where did the beeping come from? Inside his stomach.

The Navy recruiter, from Taiwan's south-western port city of Kaohsiung, said he did not feel any discomfort, but he went to Kaohsiung Municipal United Hospital where medics confirmed he had swallowed the AirPod. 

According to the Daily Mail, after taking a laxative prescribed by doctors, Hsu found, "The battery was still at 41%!"

Dr Chen Chieh-fan, who works in the emergency room, explained: 'Because of the plastic shell around the AirPod, the risk of it causing him harm in a similar way to swallowing a regular lithium-ion battery is much lower.'

Direct exposure to a battery could have caused a serious rupture in his intestines, reports said.  

What's the weirdest thing you have ever swallowed? 

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Airpods Swallowed Swallows Airpod