Walking from bed to your desk...


Walking from bed to your desk for work has been ruled a commute by a German court

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

12:35 11 Dec 2021

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It can be a big trek...

Working from home, WFH, remote working - whatever you call it, it's pretty much a staple of our lives now.

Who knows if it'll stay for good or be gradually phased out.

One thing we DO know is that, for some people, the days of long commutes to work may be behind them.

But what about shorter commutes?

We're talking those few steps from your bed to your desk - or to your new home office set up, aka the kitchen table.

(Image via

Okay - we're pushing the boat out a bit here calling it a commute, right??


According to one court in Germany, that few steps is considered a commute.

According to, a court made the ruling earlier this week after a man slipped walking from his bed to his computer.

And he successfully claimed it was a “workplace accident”.

The German man fell down the stairs and broke his back while walking from his bedroom to his home office.

His employer’s insurance wouldn't cover the claim, and two less senior courts couldn't manage to agree whether this really did qualify as a commute.

But step in the higher federal social court in Kassel.

They overruled and said, “The first morning journey from bed to the home office was an insured work route.”

The court sided with the employee after hearing he'd usually start work in the office “immediately” after waking up, and would skip breakfast, Tyla report.

But that's where there's a catch.

You're apparently only covered for that first "commute" - so if you then go get breakfast and return, you're no longer covered and considered "commuting".

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Commute Remote Working WFH Work From Home Working From Home