5 movies you can watch on the...


5 movies you can watch on the telly later (Monday 28th)

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:32 28 Dec 2020

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Trainspotting image from the movie.

Let's face it, it's still Christmas in our hearts, and we'll continue to binge movies till' the cows come home. 

The festive season is a great time to sit down and watch all those films you never got to the cinema for.

Thanks to our lovely television providers, there's a jam-packed line-up each day of rom-coms and thrillers.

So fancy a night on the couch with some popcorn? You may as well.

Here's a list of movies on the telly later (Monday 28th Dec): 

1. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 

Where can I watch it? RTÉ Two

When is it on? 6pm

2. Bridesmaids

Where can I watch it? ITV2

When is it on? 9pm

3. Tomb Raider

Where can I watch it? RTÉ Two

When is it on? 9pm

4. Trainspotting

Where can I watch it? Channel 4

When is it on? 11pm

5. Mission: Impossible

Where can I watch it? BBC One

When is it on? 11:30pm

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