Ben & Jerry's set to sell bags...


Ben & Jerry's set to sell bags of cookie dough chunks from its ice cream

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

02:12 23 Aug 2018

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If you're the type of kid who licked the bowl, then you're going to love Ben & Jerry's latest creation.


The ice cream giant is officially testing cookie dough ice cream without ice cream. That's right, just a bag of cookie dough chunks.

Thrillist reports that the company has released two flavours of Cookie Dough Chunks, chocolate chip and peanut butter chocolate chip, and they're being sold in 227g bags.

It's the exact same dough from their popular ice cream and it's completely safe to eat as it's made from pasteurised eggs and heat-treated flour.

There’s no denying that deep down, we’re all disgusting monsters. We love @benandjerrys because of how much crap they cram into our ice cream, and we also love eating raw cookie dough by the spoonful. Well, introducing bags of it. Ben & Jerry’s is testing these Cookie Dough Chunks - the same ones they put in their ice cream - at Vermont Scoop Shops. They’re safe to consume raw and if you Vermonsters gobble it up, it may be available online and in other distribution channels later this year. Big responsibility, Vermont. Please support “Oops! All Chunks” so the rest of the country can enjoy too. Thank you to @benandjerrys for including me in this launch; it saves me a lot of gas money on what would have been an inevitable trip to Vermont.

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At the moment, the bags are only being sold in stores in Vermont as they're still being tested.

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Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Food Ice Cream