Broke after Christmas but need...


Broke after Christmas but need a break? If so, you need to see this

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

08:20 7 Jan 2019

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We've been telling you we have been working on a surprise with you in mind, haven't we?

Well, here it is.

The partying is over, eating everything in sight is a thing of the past, and having time to binge on your favourite series all day long is a distant memory.

As a result, the January blues are at large for many, and the daydreaming endlessly about the next opportunity to take a break from the norm is in full effect.

Irish breaks can be expensive. By the time you fill the car with juice, book a quality hotel in the most beautiful parts of our island, and take your meals and socialising costs into account... sometimes it can feel like an impossilbility, right?

Hmmm... so what could we do to help?

Introducing you to....

"but, what is", we hear you ask?

Well, think getting away and having quality switch-off time for you and your favourite people at seriously affordable prices.

Over on, you can avail of super great value hotel breaks across Ireland.

On top of all this, we'll be giving away breaks at some of the most beautiful hotels on the Emereld Isle as we possibly can!

It kicks off this morning on the AOshow... switch on iRadio now and in the next few minutes your recent daydreams could be a reality.

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