Teenager claims he can lay egg...


Teenager claims he can lay eggs

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

01:52 23 Feb 2018

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This is a pretty egg-splosive story!

A teenage boy in Indonesia says he can lay eggs. 14 year old Akmal claims he's laid 20 eggs since 2016.

The Daily Star says he's been hospitalised a number of times for his condition, but doctors are baffled and insist a human can't lay eggs.

That's despite Akmal pushing out two eggs in front of medics and X-rays showing an egg sitting inside his bum.

But doctors think the eggs were shoved into his rectum before his admission to hospital. Akmal and his family deny this.

Doctors have now quarantined the teenager to study his condition.

You've got to be yolking!

Images in post and images on Facebook and Twitter via nik jeferson on YouTube

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