Survey shows half of adults fi...


Survey shows half of adults find exercise boring and only do it to socialise

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

01:35 3 Oct 2021

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Wanna go gym? Nah man too boring...

We all have our go-to excuses for skipping that job or gym session.

But we've not really heard this one before.

Apparently plenty of people find exercise boring.

A survey of 2,000 adults found nearly half of those who exercise find it incredibly boring, and they only do it to socialise with friends.

It also emerged 84 per cent of participants would exercise a lot more if it was more exciting.

So what do people find the most boring exercises?

Running, cycling and weightlifting were voted as being some of the most tedious activities.

Half will use keeping fit as an excuse to meet up with a mate, with the same amount finding it difficult to push themselves in a solo session.

Which we can relate to!

For 38 per cent, exercising with a friend means they're likely to work harder at getting fit, and they’re more motivated to get up and go if someone's with them.

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Adults Exercise Gym Running Social