Survey shows 1/5 of people cra...


Survey shows 1/5 of people crack their phone screen within the first month owning it

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

11:04 10 Nov 2021

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Surprised it's not higher!

It's likely we have all had a few different phones in our lifetime.

Whether that's because we just like to update it, it gets too old to function or we've dropped it so many times that it's just seen better days.

We bet everyone either knows someone with a broken phone screen or who has one themselves.

And now we've stats to back it!

Out of 2,000 people polled, it was found that one out of five people have cracked their phone screen within the first month of owning it.

And almost half of all participants have actually broken a phone screen at some point in their lives.

So what are the most common ways we destroy our poor phones?

Well, apparently it's a bit related to our vanity.

That's right - one fifth of people have damaged their device when trying to take a selfie!

While one in four managed to crack have cracked their screens on a night out, according to SWNS Digital.

One in 10 people have dropped their phone down the toilet, and the same percentage have accidentally sat on their mobile while it was in their back pocket.

Other reasons given for a broken phone include trying to type with one hand, throwing it out of anger and dropping it in the bath.

And it seems this clumsy behaviour is setting us back quite a bit...

People have spent an average of £103 over the years on phone repairs, and for four in 10, the screen break was so bad they ended up replacing the entire phone.

But for a third of adults, they'd just live with the cracked screen rather than doing anything about it.

The survey was carried out via

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Phone Screen Crack