New research shows covid vacci...

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New research shows covid vaccine hesitancy is highest among 18-34 year olds

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

10:30 25 Oct 2021

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Young people are being urged to sign up for their Covid jab.

New research shows that vaccine hesitancy is highest among 18 to 34 year olds.

The survey, carried out by Ipsos MRBI for the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association, shows hesitancy is holding steady at around 9% in that age group.

Overall, 5% of all age groups will refuse a COVID-19 vaccine.

91% of all those questioned have either been vaccinated or intend to receive a vaccine.

Beacon Hospital

40 walk-in clinics are open across the country today.

While pop-up vaccine clinics for pregnant women will be available in some of the country's hospitals from tomorrow.

The HSE is encouraging pregnant women to get vaccinated as they're quite vulnerable to covid 19.

Meanwhile, there are calls for healthcare workers to be given a booster COVID-19 vaccine.

Many healthcare workers were vaccinated 9 months ago, and there are concerns that its effectiveness in that cohort is waning.

Meanwhile, 24 people have been admitted to hospital with Covid 19 since yesterday afternoon.

There's currently 497 people in hospital with the virus - 97 of whom are in the intensive care unit.

Almost 160 thousand tests have been completed in the past week - with positivity rates just above 9 percent.

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Covid Covid-19 Ireland Covid-19 Vaccine Vaccine Young People